Coastal Restoration & Flood Risk Reduction Action Plans
EM-1 Hydrologic Restoration and Management
- To improve wetland habitats negatively impacted by local hydrologic modifications
- To improve hydrology through the effectual use of the freshwater, sediments, and/or nutrients that already reach the basins
- To stabilize water levels and salinity to provide conditions conducive to the establishment and growth of emergent and submergent marsh plants
EM-2 River Reintroductions
- To use riverine resources of freshwater and sediment from the Mississippi and Atchafalaya Rivers in order to decrease salinities and preserve and/or create marshes
EM-3 Freshwater Reintroduction into Bayou Lafourche
- To support and encourage reintroduction of Mississippi River flow into Bayou Lafourche in order to bring freshwater and sediments to the BTB marshes to help address coastal land loss and to ensure adequate consumptive freshwater supplies by combating saltwater intrusion
EM-4 Beneficial Use of Dredged Material and Dedicated Dredging
- To make use of material when dredging activities or dedicated dredging occurs within or adjacent to the BTES in order to create, maintain, and/or restore marsh, coastal ridges, and islands.
EM-5 Preservation and Restoration of Barrier Islands
- To preserve and restore barrier islands in order to protect environmental and economic resources
EM-6 Shoreline Stabilization, Induced Sediment Deposition, and Living Shorelines
- To facilitate maintaining and restoring existing marshes and swamps by reducing shoreline erosion along bays, lakes, canals, and bayous
- To trap or induce sediment deposits in order to maintain and restore existing marshes and swamps as well as build new marshes
- To construct and maintain living shorelines for shore erosion control wherever possible and feasible in order to create and enhance growth and sustain habitat that is naturally resistant to erosion
EM-7 Flood Risk Reduction and Coastal Resiliency
- To provide flood risk reduction measures for property, population centers, ecosystems, etc.
- To anticipate, prepare for, and adapt to changing conditions and withstand and recover from disruptions